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Department/unit acquisition form

The library staff mainly take their holidays in July, but there may be delays in acquiring library materials at other times during the summer as well. However, customers can make acquisition suggestions and institutional orders using forms throughout the summer. We will process the suggestions based on urgency, prioritizing course book orders. Questions related to the acquisition of library materials can be sent to kirjasto@utu.fi. We strive to respond to questions as quickly as possible.

Acquisition request: https://apps.utu.fi/kirjasto/lomakkeet/acquisition-request.htm

Course book acquisition request: https://apps.utu.fi/kirjasto/lomakkeet/coursebook-acquisition.htm

Consider ordering an e-book! Advantages:

  • in use almost immediately after making the order
  • many concurrent users depending on the version selected
  • does not take up space on the shelf
  • can always be found easily in the same place when you have time to read

Your personal data is only used for handling your customer data. More information on our privacy notice

* - mandatory field



Where to:

Social Sciences, East Asian Studies
University Services, Planning and Development
Faculty of Law, International Law


(Att! Number code, not name)

Bibliographic information:

Publication form

Please, check the information once more and send your order to the library.